Creating Greater RESULTS with your Advertising

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This book is a must read for any medium or small business owner.  It describes in simple-to-read language HOW you can get much better RESULTS from your advertising.

chapter1Setting Goals and Objectives1
chapter3Determining Target Customers9
chapter4Your Potential Customers’ Psychological Profile13
chapter5Determining Your Message17
chapter6Selecting Media21
chapter7Ingredients Necessary for Successful Broadcast Advertising31
chapter8Planning Ahead35
chapter9Negotiating Media Rates37
chapter10Media Mix45
chapter11TV and Radio Production49
chapter12Run Times53
chapter13Measuring Results57
chapter15Toll-free Vanity Numbers63
chapter16Social Media65
chapter17Internet Advertising67
chapter19Themes and Slogans73
chapter21Integrated Marketing Communications79
chapter22Onsite Visual Selling83
chapter23Motivating the Sales Staff87
chapter24Do You Need an Advertising Agency?89
chapter25How to Choose an Advertising Agency93
chapter26When Is Advertising a Good Value versus Too Expensive?97
chapter27Creating New Ideas101
chapter28Creating Sales-building Promotions105
chapter29How to Find Promotional Partners109
chapter30Think Outside the Box111
chapter31Feed the Pipeline115
chapter32Customers’ Lack of Loyalty117
chapter33Consistent Advertising or Special Events?119
chapter34Vertical Saturation123
chapter35Building Top-of-the-mind Awareness127
chapter36Supportive Media131
chapter37Long-term Planning133
chapter38More TV or Radio Spots Is Not Always a Good Thing137
chapter39Ad Burnout141
chapter40Advertising Co-op Dollars145
chapter41Establishing Media Credit149
about the author153