Third generation broadcast advertising and management:

Sparky entered the broadcasting business following his Sophomore year at the University of Washington, working at family owned KRKO in Everett as a salesman. He started at a whopping $250 a month!
Over the next few years, Sparky’s sales accomplishments grew and grew, later becoming Local Sales Manager, then General Sales Manager and ultimately General Manager. Sparky Taft’s father, Bill Taft, decided to sell KRKO in 1973 and Sparky entered the advertising agency business. Later, in 1983, Sparky and some silent partners bought KRKO back.
Under Sparky’s leadership, KRKO became one of the most popular, successful, and powerful radio stations in the State of Washington. KRKO did more advertising revenue than all but four Seattle radio stations. Sparky built KRKO’s audience to be equal to about 50% of the total population in Snohomish County at that time. Under Sparky’s leadership, KRKO had built a national reputation for being one of the most popular radio stations in the greater Seattle/Everett area.
In 1988, Taft sold KRKO and immediately moved to local Everett competing radio station, KWYZ. He sold without a “non-compete” clause, so he took much of his KRKO staff with him. Over the years, Taft’s managed radio stations were selected “The Best Radio News” in the State of Washington three times.
Over the years, Sparky Taft was General Manager of eight (8) radio stations in the State of Washington, building a well- documented track record of achieving exceptional success.