Dynamic Sales Results

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Creating Super Sales Success in a Competitive Down Market

This book, first published in 2009, is as valid today as it was then.  It describes the benefits and drawbacks of most all media and gives many tips of HOW you can be more successful with your advertising and marketing, as well as how to gain a big edge over all your competitors.

  • How and why Sparky’s Clients succeed while others fail; I believe I know the answer.
  • My Unique Qualifications
chapter1The Plan1

In This Chapter

  • How to Survive in a Down Market
  • So Ask Yourself: What Would You Rather Have?
  • Four Points to Media Selection
  • Selecting the Advertising Medium
  • Targeting Your Advertising
  • Selecting Your Message
  • Scheduling Your Advertising
  • The Most Powerful Tool in Advertising: The Human Brain!
  • Summing Up
chapter2Determining a Budget15

In This Chapter

  • What Part of YOur Budget Should Go for Advertising?
  • Prioritizing Your Media Needs
  • Getting TV & Radio Proposals
  • Running Advertising at the Right Time
  • Renegotiate
  • Summing Up
chapter3Partnering with Other Businesses & Media23

In This Chapter

  • How to Get More Bang for the Buck
  • Added Value Promotions
  • Partnering with Media
  • Building Media Relationships
  • Summing Up
chapter4Implementing Your Advertising35

In This Chapter

  • Short Term or Long Term Goals
  • Flighting Advertising
  • Consistent or Branding Advertising
  • How to Brand On a Limited Budget
  • Using Price Points
  • Selecting the Advertising Medium
  • Newspaper
  • Weekly Newspapers or Shoppers
  • Televising Advertising
  • Types of Television Advertising
  • Radio Advertising
  • Other Media
    • Yellow Pages
    • Direct Mail
    • Billboards
    • Transit
    • Internet
    • Media WEbsites
    • On-line Streaming
  • Specialized Advertising
    • Sports
    • Stadium Sports Signs
  • Media Mix
  • Creating Your Message
  • Summing Up
chapter5What Is a Promotion?59

In This Chapter

  • Hyping or Stimulating Advertising
  • Adding More Pizzazz to Client Promotions
  • Live Radio Remote Broadcasts
  • Summing Up
chapter6Sales Training & Motivation67

In This Chapter

  • Sales People Must Make the Sale During Tough Times
  • Summing Up
chapter7Different Types of Advertisers71

In This Chapter

  • Large Corporate Retailers
  • Franchisers
  • Local Businesses
  • Summing Up
chapter8Understanding Confusing Television & Radio Ratings75

In This Chapter

  • Audience Research
  • Television Research
  • Radio Research
  • Hyping Audience Research
  • Summing Up
chapter9The Basics of Broadcast Advertising85

In This Chapter

  • Television Advertising
  • Comparing Television Stations
  • Advertising on Radio
  • Media Mix
  • Summing Up
chapter10Creating Commercials93

In This Chapter

  • Television Commercials
  • Radio Commercials
  • Musical Logos
  • Summing Up
chapter11Selecting Target Audience Radio Stations99

In This Chapter

  • Understanding Radio Formats
  • News & Talk Radio
  • Country Radio Stations
  • Easy Listening Stations
  • Classic Rock Stations
  • Sports Stations
  • Rock Stations
  • Contemporary Hit Radio – CHR
  • Album Adult Alternative Radio
  • Smooth Jazz
  • Christian Radio Stations
  • All Music Radio Stations
  • Mixing Radio Stations Formats
  • Summing Up
chapter12Budgeting & Analyzing Results111

In This Chapter

  • How Much to Spend on Advertising
  • How to Measure Results
  • Summing Up
chapter13Keeping the Client Informed115

In This Chapter

  • Fantastic Indoor SwapMeet
  • Rich’s
  • Summing Up
chapter14I Practice What I Preach129

In This Chapter

  • Promotions that Produce Immediately
  • Custom Vehicle Shows
  • Auto Races
  • Summing Up
chapter15Sharing the Glory135

In This Chapter

  • Team Effort
  • Reward The Participants and Partners
  • Summing Up
chapter16Don’t Rest on Your Successes141

In This Chapter

  • What Have Youd Done for Me Lately
  • Success Breeds More Success
  • Summing Up
tell us what you think153
about the authorSparky Taft155
direct order form179